An Brief Look at the History of Music
The evolution of music has been a fascinating journey. From the ancient times when people sang and played instruments to pass the time, to modern pop stars who sell out concerts and bring in billions of revenue. Music has always had a special place in human culture, and as technology has evolved so too has music. In our articles, we explore the history of music from its early origins right through to today’s modern world. We’ve done our best to give you an overview of the subject with plenty of interesting facts and information along the way!Classical Music Composers and their Concertos
If you want to become a classical music composer, you need to immerse yourself in the genre and learn as much as possible. Writing your concerto requires a lot of research into other composers who have done the same thing. And, this article will…
1666How Music has entertained the World
Music is a universal phenomenon that transcends all boundaries. It is a medium of self-expression, recreation, and relaxation. Music has been entertaining humankind as far back as we can remember. The history of music is filled with accounts of…
1681Music was the Best Entertainment in Medieval Times
You probably think of the Middle Ages as a dark, miserable time. But for most people, life was pretty good. The economy was booming, people weren’t afraid of getting sick or dying young, medicine and hygiene were making huge strides and there…
891The History of Music Throughout the Ages
Music is a universal phenomenon and has been so for as long as humans have existed. It fulfills an essential human need, and it has continued to change and evolve over time. Music is a universal phenomenon that transcends age, race, gender,…
1772The Most Entertaining Music Concerts in History
Music concerts have been around for centuries. But it wasn’t until the 1900s that they became the massive, sell-out stadium events we know them as today. At their core, music concerts are about coming together to enjoy great music, and nothing…
Why Canaries Make Good Pets
In the world of exotic pets, the canary ranks high with its beautiful song and vibrant feathers. But what sort of pet could the yellow bird become? You might be surprised to learn that canaries are…